July 4th Fashion Finds

Can you all believe it’s practically July?! Where this year has gone, I’m not sure, but doesn’t it always feel this way? I wanted to share a few July 4th Fashion Finds with you, and if you’re any bit of a procrastinator like me, the best part is all these are available on Amazon Prime! Hooray for 2-day shipping! (Shameless plug – seriously, one of the best decisions we ever made, and if you don’t have it you can get it here, and trial it free for 30 days 😉 )

So one thing I haven’t been terribly public about is that my husband is actually a Team USA athlete, so I’m looking for these patriotic July 4th Fashion Finds year round!! If you’re wondering if I look like a total fan girl at his competitions, the answer is yes 🙂

What is your favorite July 4 Fashion Find? Or even accessory?? I often find awesome patriotic extras in the dollar bin at Target… Score! Which I utilize year-round.

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