Oh hey guys,
Welcome to 32. I took a selfie the morning of my 32nd Birthday. Thirty two?! How on earth did I get here?? 32 was a particularly rough birthday for me because my husband was on day 4 of 10 on an out-of-town trip, and my family lives 10 hours away. It was a Monday, which was bad enough without the lonely birthday piece.
I actually washed and styled my hair (which, let’s face it, only happens like, 1.2 times per week), and put on my expensive makeup, and decided something had to change. Day in and day out for the last few years, I have been going to work, coming home, and pressing the repeat button for the next day. There’s been this lingering feeling that I am missing some part of the bigger picture, or some part of an opportunity that awaits me. I don’t want to be reliving scenes from the moving Groundhog Day until I check out… Full disclosure, the thought I had was, “I’m 32 today, and what do I really have to show for it?”. I mean really, by the age of 32, Alexander the great had conquered the known world.
I wanted and needed something more, which led me here — to margeswearin.com. My decision was that I needed a creative outlet to grow. I hope you find this blog inspiring and somewhat amusing, occasionally facetious….which will probably be more often than not. My goal is to inspire women to be strong, independent, and to always stay ambitious. I hope that you will stick around and grow with me through this journey!